IIT People Search

Lorenzo De Michieli

Director of Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer Directorate
Research center

Lorenzo De Michieli is Director of Technology Transfer at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Coordinator of the large-scale project RAISE - Spoke 2 “Smart Devices and Technologies for Personal and Remote Healthcare” funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

From 2016 to 2024, he was Director of the IIT's Rehab Technologies Lab, a large innovation laboratory aimed at developing new prostheses, exoskeletons and rehabilitation devices with high market potential in the healthcare sector.

He received a M.S. in Physics (Material Science) in 1999, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Humanoid Robotics) from the University of Genoa, Italy. He also accomplished an extensive training on innovation management both in Italy at Jacobacci & Partners (Turin, IT) and abroad at the European Patent Office (The Hague, NL) and the Bergen Teknologioverføring (Bergen, N).

From 2014 to 2019 he was contract Professor at the University of Genoa - Faculty of Economics - in Collaborative Innovation and Technology Transfer.

Before joining IIT in 2008, he was research technologist at the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM, Italy) from 2002 to 2006, and at the National Research Council (CNR, Italy) from 2006 to 2008, gaining an extensive experience in developing industrial alliances and managing competitive R&D projects.

All Publications
Marinelli A., Boccardo N., Canepa M., Di Domenico D., Gruppioni E., Laffranchi M., De Michieli L., Chiappalone M., Semprini M., Dosen S.
A compact solution for vibrotactile proprioceptive feedback of wrist rotation and hand aperture
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 21, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Marinelli A., Canepa M., Di Domenico D., Gruppioni E., Laffranchi M., De Michieli L., Chiappalone M., Semprini M., Boccardo N.
A comparative optimization procedure to evaluate pattern recognition algorithms on hannes prosthesis
Neurocomputing, vol. 569
Pericu V., Vassallo C., Zinni G., Hinterlang W., Lencioni T., Ferrarin M., Jonsdottir J., De Michieli L., Semprini M., Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M.
A Novel Assistive Controller for Gait Rehabilitation through the TWIN Lower-Limb Exoskeleton in Individuals with Residual Motor Functionalities
2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
Conference Paper Conference
Boccardo N., Canepa M., Stedman S., Lombardi L., Marinelli A., Domenico D.D., Galviati R., Gruppioni E., Michieli L.D., Laffranchi M.
Development of a 2-DoFs Actuated Wrist for Enhancing the Dexterity of Myoelectric Hands
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 257-270
Article Journal
Lucaroni A., Bottino A., Lamberti F., Mariani G., Marinelli A., Boccardo N., Gruppioni E., Michieli L.D., Laffranchi M., Barresi G.
Effects of a Memory-Engaging Secondary Task in a Virtual Setting for Stimulating the Embodiment of an Artificial Upper Limb
Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO, pp. 92-97
Conference Paper Conference
De Michieli L.
La protesi di mano Hannes
Il Lavoro che si prende Cura
Public Event
De Michieli L.
Protesi e IA
Intelligenza Artificiale: per una governance umana. Università Pontificia Salesiana
Public Event
De Michieli L.
Dai robot all'uomo, la ricerca tecnologica per la salute
Congresso nazionale Altroconsumo
De Michieli L.
Healthcare Robotics, dalla robotica umanoide all’uomo
Rassegna Disegni, invenzione e macchine - 23 gennaio 2019, Palazzo Ducale, Genova
Public Event
De Michieli L.
Twin, l'esoscheletro di IIT
Web marketing Festival, Rimini
Scientific Talks
Barresi G., Salatino L., Caserta G., Marinelli A., Boccardo N., Storchi C., Freddolini M., de Zambotti M., Gruppioni E., Laffranchi M., De Michieli L.
Augmented Biofeedback Settings for Prosthetic Embodiment Training
Living Machines 2023 Workshop: Human-Inspired Robotic Embodiment
De Michieli L.
Healthcare Robotics
School of Innovation
School (Summer school, ...)
De Michieli L.
Technology in Aging Assistive and rehabilitation devices: from humanoid robots to humas
EIT Health Ageing PhD School
School (Summer school, ...)
De Michieli L.
La ricerca tecnologica per la salute
De Michieli L.
The Hannes prosthetic hand
Il Lavoro che si prende Cura (Digital Edition 2020)
Awards and Achievements
Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M., Vassallo C., Vaccaro R., De Michieli L.
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 - Twin Exoskeleton
Laffranchi M., Traverso S., Vaccaro R., Maludrottu S., Poli F., De Bartolomeis L., Diamanti G., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
XXVI Compasso d'oro
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
De Michieli L.
Frontiers in Neuroscience
De Michieli L.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Organized Events
Micera S., Stieglitz T., Bonato P., Chiappalone M., Pedrocchi A., Suzuki T., Metin Akay C., Sajda P., Capogrosso M., Raspopivic S., Mazzoni A., Platt J., Oddo C., Shoaran M., Shokur S., De Michieli L., Green R.
10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering