IIT People Search

Michael Vincent Lombardo

Senior Researcher Tenured - Principal Investigator
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Research center

I direct the Laboratory for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (LAND) at the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems (CNCS@UniTn) at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Rovereto, Italy. My interests and expertise span multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, genomics, data science, machine learning, computational biology, bioinformatics, neuroendocrinology) and are all applied in a translational research program focused on understanding heterogeneity and early developmental mechanisms involved in autism and atypical neurodevelopment.

Top Publications
Mandelli V., Landi I., Busuoli E.M., Courchesne E., Pierce K., Lombardo M.V.
Prognostic early snapshot stratification of autism based on adaptive functioning
Nature Mental Health
Article Journal
Bethlehem R.A.I., Seidlitz J., White S.R., Vogel J.W., Anderson K.M., Adamson C., Adler S., Alexopoulos G.S., Anagnostou E., Areces-Gonzalez A., Astle D.E., Auyeung B., Ayub M., Bae J., Ball G., Baron-Cohen S., Beare R., Bedford S.A., Benegal V., Beyer F., Blangero J., Blesa Cabez M., Boardman J.P., Borzage M., Bosch-Bayard J.F., Bourke N., Calhoun V.D., Chakravarty M.M., Chen C., Chertavian C., Chetelat G., Chong Y.S., Cole J.H., Corvin A., Costantino M., Courchesne E., Crivello F., Cropley V.L., Crosbie J., Crossley N., Delarue M., Delorme R., Desrivieres S., Devenyi G.A., Di Biase M.A., Dolan R., Donald K.A., Donohoe G., Dunlop K., Edwards A.D., Elison J.T., Ellis C.T., Elman J.A., Eyler L., Fair D.A., Feczko E., Fletcher P.C., Fonagy P., Franz C.E., Galan-Garcia L., Gholipour A., Giedd J., Gilmore J.H., Glahn D.C., Goodyer I.M., Grant P.E., Groenewold N.A., Gunning F.M., Gur R.E., Gur R.C., Hammill C.F., Hansson O., Hedden T., Heinz A., Henson R.N., Heuer K., Hoare J., Holla B., Holmes A.J., Holt R., Huang H., Im K., Ipser J., Jack C.R., Jackowski A.P., Jia T., Johnson K.A., Jones P.B., Jones D.T., Kahn R.S., Karlsson H., Karlsson L., Kawashima R., Kelley E.A., Kern S., Kim K.W., Kitzbichler M.G., Kremen W.S., Lalonde F., Landeau B., Lee S., Lerch J., Lewis J.D., Li J., Liao W., Liston C., Lombardo M.V., Lv J., Lynch C., Mallard T.T., Marcelis M., Markello R.D., Mathias S.R., Mazoyer B., McGuire P., Meaney M.J., Mechelli A., Medic N., Misic B., Morgan S.E., Mothersill D., Nigg J., Ong M.Q.W., Ortinau C., Ossenkoppele R., Ouyang M., Palaniyappan L., Paly L., Pan P.M., Pantelis C., Park M.M., Paus T., Pausova Z., Paz-Linares D., Pichet Binette A., Pierce K., Qian X., Qiu J., Qiu A., Raznahan A., Rittman T., Rodrigue A., Rollins C.K., Romero-Garcia R., Ronan L., Rosenberg M.D., Rowitch D.H., Salum G.A., Satterthwaite T.D., Schaare H.L., Schachar R.J., Schultz A.P., Schumann G., Scholl M., Sharp D., Shinohara R.T., Skoog I., Smyser C.D., Sperling R.A., Stein D.J., Stolicyn A., Suckling J., Sullivan G., Taki Y., Thyreau B., Toro R., Traut N., Tsvetanov K.A., Turk-Browne N.B., Tuulari J.J., Tzourio C., Vachon-Presseau E., Valdes-Sosa M.J., Valdes-Sosa P.A., Valk S.L., van Amelsvoort T., Vandekar S.N., Vasung L., Victoria L.W., Villeneuve S., Villringer A., Vertes P.E., Wagstyl K., Wang Y.S., Warfield S.K., Warrier V., Westman E., Westwater M.L., Whalley H.C., Witte A.V., Yang N., Yeo B., Yun H., Zalesky A., Zar H.J., Zettergren A., Zhou J.H., Ziauddeen H., Zugman A., Zuo X.N., Bullmore E.T., Alexander-Bloch A.F.
Brain charts for the human lifespan
Nature, vol. 604, (no. 7906), pp. 525-533
Xiao Y., Wen T.H., Kupis L., Eyler L.T., Goel D., Vaux K., Lombardo M.V., Lewis N.E., Pierce K., Courchesne E.
Neural responses to affective speech, including motherese, map onto clinical and social eye tracking profiles in toddlers with ASD
Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 6, (no. 3), pp. 443-454
Article Journal
Lombardo M.V., Eyler L., Pramparo T., Gazestani V.H., Hagler D.J., Chen C.-H., Dale A.M., Seidlitz J., Bethlehem R.A.I., Bertelsen N., Barnes C.C., Lopez L., Campbell K., Lewis N.E., Pierce K., Courchesne E.
Atypical genomic cortical patterning in autism with poor early language outcome
Science advances, vol. 7, (no. 36)
Lombardo M.V., Busuoli E.M., Schreibman L., Stahmer A.C., Pramparo T., Landi I., Mandelli V., Bertelsen N., Barnes C.C., Gazestani V., Lopez L., Bacon E.C., Courchesne E., Pierce K.
Pre-treatment clinical and gene expression patterns predict developmental change in early intervention in autism
Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, (no. 12), pp. 7641-7651
All Publications
Pagani M., Zerbi V., Galbusera A., Wenderoth N., Lombardo M., Milham M., Di Martino A., Gozzi A.
Cross-species fMRI reveals transcriptomically and behaviorally-dissociable autism neurosubtypes
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Poster Conference
Leyhausen J., Schafer T., Gurr C., Berg L.M., Seelemeyer H., Pretzsch C.M., Loth E., Oakley B., Buitelaar J.K., Beckmann C.F., Floris D.L., Charman T., Bourgeron T., Banaschewski T., Jones E.J.H., Tillmann J., Chatham C., Ahmad J., Ambrosino S., Auyeung B., Baron-Cohen S., Baumeister S., Bolte S., Bours C., Brammer M., Brandeis D., Brogna C., de Bruijn Y., Chakrabarti B., Cornelissen I., Crawley D., Dell'Acqua F., Dumas G., Durston S., Ecker C., Faulkner J., Frouin V., Garces P., Goyard D., Ham L., Hayward H., Hipp J., Holt R., Johnson M.H., Kundu P., Lai M.-C., D'ardhuy X.L., Lombardo M.V., Lythgoe D.J., Mandl R., Marquand A., Mason L., Mennes M., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Moessnang C., Bast N., O'Dwyer L., Oldehinkel M., Oranje B., Pandina G., Persico A.M., Ruggeri B., Ruigrok A., Sabet J., Sacco R., San Jose Caceres A., Simonoff E., Spooren W., Toro R., Tost H., Waldman J., Williams S.C.R., Wooldridge C., Zwiers M.P., Murphy D.G.
Differences in Intrinsic Gray Matter Connectivity and Their Genomic Underpinnings in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Biological Psychiatry, vol. 95, (no. 2), pp. 175-186
Duan K., Eyler L., Pierce K., Lombardo M.V., Datko M., Hagler D.J., Taluja V., Zahiri J., Campbell K., Barnes C.C., Arias S., Nalabolu S., Troxel J., Ji P., Courchesne E.
Differences in regional brain structure in toddlers with autism are related to future language outcomes
Nature Communications, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Courchesne E., Taluja V., Nazari S., Aamodt C.M., Pierce K., Duan K., Stophaeros S., Lopez L., Barnes C.C., Troxel J., Campbell K., Wang T., Hoekzema K., Eichler E.E., Nani J.V., Pontes W., Sanchez S.S., Lombardo M.V., de Souza J.S., Hayashi M.A.F., Muotri A.R.
Embryonic origin of two ASD subtypes of social symptom severity: the larger the brain cortical organoid size, the more severe the social symptoms
Molecular Autism, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Hardie I., Murray A., King J., Hall H.A., Okelo K., Luedecke E., Marryat L., Thompson L., Minnis H., Lombardo M., Wilson P., Auyeung B.
Investigating low birth weight and preterm birth as potential mediators in the relationship between prenatal infections and early child development: A linked administrative health data analysis
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Article Journal
Awards and Achievements
Lombardo M. V.
Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Award
Lombardo M. V.
Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Award