IIT People Search

Michela De Bernardin

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Post Doc
Cultural Heritage Technologies
Research center

Dedicated and passionate researcher with a strong international background and an interdisciplinary approach. 
Experienced in different fields from Ancient History, Graeco-Roman Religion, and Classical Archaeology, to Heritage Legislation and Cultural Heritage Studies.

PhD. in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, bestowed by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität of Heidelberg (2017).

Specialised in Cultural Heritage Protection and Preservation with the one-year postgraduate Course "Prevention and Prosecution of Crimes Against Cultural Heritage" (Centro Studi Criminologici, Viterbo-Roma, 2018) and a two-year postgraduate Course "Experts in the Evaluation and Protection of Cultural Heritage" (Università di Roma Tre, Roma, 2022).

Since 2019, focused on the issues of the illicit trafficking of cultural goods and the pollution of the Art Market with looted or unprovenanced artefacts. 

Co-founder and Secretary of the Association "Art Crime Project-APS" (https://www.artcrimeproject.org/).

Currently, Postdoc Research Fellow at the Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology-IIT and Scientific Project Manager of Horizon EU Project RITHMS (G.A. 101073932). 


Title: Master Universitario Biennale di II livello "ESPERTI NELLE ATTIVITÀ DI VALUTAZIONE E DI TUTELA DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE" (2yrs-Postgraduate Specialising Course, Cultural Heritage Evaluation and Protection)
Institute: Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Location: Roma
Country: Italy
From: 2019 To: 2022

Title: Postgraduate Specialising Course (I level) "Prevention and Prosecution of Crimes Against Cultural Heritage"
Institute: Centro per gli Studi Criminologici
Location: Viterbo-Roma
Country: Italy
From: 2017 To: 2018

Title: Dottorato di ricerca in co-tutela (Bi-national PhD, Ancient History and Archaeology)
Institute: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa & Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
Location: Pisa-Heidelberg
Country: null
From: 2008 To: 2017

Title: Diploma Accademico Universitario di II livello (Diploma di Licenza - Advanced Diploma, Ancient History and Archaeology)
Institute: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2002 To: 2009

Title: Laurea Specialistica (M.A., Classics)
Institute: Università degli Studi di Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2005 To: 2008

Title: Laurea Triennale (B.A., Classics)
Institute: Università degli Studi di Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2002 To: 2005

All Publications
Tambs L., De Bernardin M., Lorenzon M., Traviglia A.
Bridging Historical, Archaeological and Criminal Networks
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, vol. 7, (no. 1)
Editorial Journal
Leeson M., Giovanelli R., De Bernardin M., Ferro S., Traviglia A.
RITHMS Digital Platform: Social Network Analysis for Intelligence-Led Policing of Cultural Heritage Crime
Researching a Rigged Game: Open-Source Data & the Trade in Cultural Heritage, Publisher: Springer
Book Chapter Book
Leeson M., Giovanelli R., De Bernardin M., Traviglia A.
War, Art, and Sanctions: Social Network Analysis on the NACP’s Databases of Sanctioned Russian Individuals and Art Collectors
International Journal of Digital Humanities
Article in Press Journal
Abate F., De Bernardin M., Stratigaki M., Franceschin G., Albertin F., Bettuzzi M., Brancaccio R., Bressan A., Morigi M.P., Daniele S., Traviglia A.
X-ray computed microtomography: A non-invasive and time-efficient method for identifying and screening Roman copper-based coins
Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 66, pp. 436-443
Article Journal
Righetto L., Gobbetti E., Ponchio F., Traviglia A., De Bernardin M., Giachetti A.
Ancient coins’ surface inspection with web-based neural RTI visualization
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 12620